Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The House in Central Avenue

A house in Harare was haunted over a period of several months by something that gave people 'an odd feeling'.

The house - which no longer exists - was situated in Central Avenue not far from the City Centre.

I knew the house well during the late 1950s as it had been owned by a Greek woman I saw when I went out walking. I got to know her quite well and was sometimes invited in to the house for tea or a cold drink.

I went away from Harare for a while and on returning discovered the house closed up and the garden overgrown.

On making enquiries I discovered that my friend had been murdered in her house. Soon afterwards bells were heard ringing at night in the house and no one wanted to occupy it.

As time went on the house still stood empty and the land was finally sold for development. As the building now on that land is many stories high and has many occupants working there, I have never been able to find out if the bells still ring or people get 'an odd feeling'.

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